Student Parking
Click to download/print the 2024-25 Student Parking Contract. Students should bring the completed contract, along with required documents listed to the Security office.
2024-25 Student Parking Contract.pdf
A parking pass is required to park anywhere on the SKHS Campus, including the ballfields and the pool parking lots.
Parking passes are limited and are issued on a first-come-first-served basis.
SKHS Student Parking Policy
Any vehicle parked on the SKHS campus must be registered with the security office.
On campus student parking is defined as the north lot, the pool lot and across from the pool, and the baseball/fastpitch gravel area. All student parking is prepaid non-reserved and is on a first-serve basis to any student with a valid driver license and parking permit. Parking at SKHS is limited and permits are available until sold out. It is the expectation that drivers be courteous, honest, and respectful and a have positive response toward parking policies, regulations, and requests.
Requirements to Purchase On Campus Parking
- Signed contract (parent signature is required, even if you are 18.)
- Current Washington state driver’s license
- Proof of registration for your vehicle
- Proof of insurance for your vehicle
- $ 60.00 payment (checks payable to SKHS ASB)
Students with outstanding fines or tickets will not be issued a permit until all fines and fees are paid.
Parking Guidelines
The parking permit MUST be displayed at all times in the lower left corner of the driver side front window of the registered vehicle. If it is necessary to park a different car on campus for either a short time or permanently, proof of insurance and registration must be submitted to the security office.
Parking permits may not be sold or transferred to a second party. Any student in possession of a permit issued to someone else is subject to disciplinary action. Vehicles parked in fire lanes, on the lawn, the gym turn-around, staff, visitor parking or any area other than student designated parking will be subject to progressive fines and or towing at owner’s expense.
Parking Violations
- Violation of parking - 1st offense - $10 fine
- 2nd offense - $20 fine
- 3rd offense – loss of permit and parking privileges
- (Appeal to administrator for reinstatement- if granted - $30 reinstatement fee)
- Replacement of parking permit or failure to display permit - $5
Please see student handbook for further information.
Parking Expectations
Leaving campus without authorization, smoking/vaping in vehicles, loud music or alarms that interfere with the educational process may result in loss of parking privileges. In accepting campus parking privileges, it is understood and agreed that registered vehicles may be subject to search. Refusal of a search request may result in parking privileges being revoked. All students are expected to obey traffic rules, laws, and traffic signs and drive safely while on school grounds or adjacent property. Failure to do so will result in parking privileges being rescinded. If parking privileges are taken away for any reason, the parking fee will not be refunded.
The South Kitsap School District is not responsible for theft from or damage to vehicles parked on school grounds.