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February Is CTE Month!
SKHS 2024 Graduates
SKHS 2024 Graduates
SK 25  Buses Aerial Photo
Roscoe the Wolf meets a super fan.
Aerial view of front of South Kitsap High School
Field and Students


South Kitsap High School is our 4-year, comprehensive, public high school for grades 9-12. Throughout the course of a student’s high school career, they can experience and participate in a multitude of academic offerings. Courses are divided into five pathways; Arts & Communication, Business & Marketing, Engineering & Technology, Health & Human Services, and Science & Natural Resources. We also offer College Prep courses, Advanced Placement, Career Programs, and College in the High School. Students can enrich their education through courses in Music, Theatre, Water Safety, Athletic Medicine, Marine Biology, Aquaculture, Video Production, Wood/Construction, NJROTC and Early Childhood Education. Our students have the opportunity to enhance their daily lives and the lives of others through various clubs, activities and athletics. Each of the activities and or clubs is available to all of our students and provides them an avenue to be successful. 

School Hours

School begins at 7:25 am and dismissal is 2:00 pm.

Our Highlights

Stay informed about SKHS news and events

Please use the calendar feed to view upcoming South Kitsap High School events. The news stories below show celebrations, resources, and information to keep you connected with South Kitsap.

Go Wolves!


South Kitsap High School students and staff will be problem solvers, critical thinkers, innovators, and effective communicators.

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photo of SKHS students in the gym for an assembly


Wellness & Family Resources

Visit the DOH Safety Study Hall website, a place for schools, students, and families to learn about safety topics. 

three high school student athletes with medals


We create and maintain safe learning and working environments that promote academic excellence, wellness, and efficient use of resources.

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photo of side of school bus with stop sign

Career & College Readiness

The path is different for each graduate after high school and may include a four-year college, trade school, military service, or entering the workforce. 

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graduate looking at sunset


Students who are involved in athletics and activities stay more engaged in school and learning.

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24-25 School Year

The 2024-2025 school year starts on August 27.