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New Students

Enrolling a new student at South Kitsap High School

To enroll your student at South Kitsap High School:

  1. Please click here to begin enrolling: Enroll Your Child.
  2. When you complete and submit your NSOE (New Student Online Enrollment) our Enrollment Specialist is notified.
  3. You will need to provide the following documents from the previous school (or we can request them):
    • Unofficial transcript
    • Withdrawal form with current grades as percentages
    • Standardized/State test scores
    • Discipline, attendance, and health records including immunizations
    • Additional services received (Special Education/IEP, 504 plan, speech)

4. Once we receive your enrollment information and all documents from the previous school, we will contact you to schedule an enrollment appointment with your student's counselor.

5. The following supplemental forms are due at time of enrollment appointment if not submitted with the NSOE:

*Please read "Rights and Responsibilities " before signing.

We do not require a birth certificate to enroll at SKHS, but you may submit it if you wish.

For more information about enrolling and other new student info, visit our Counseling Office pages

Additional forms:

Please try to arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to review your documents, and ensure all information is accurate in our system. Then, the student and parent will meet with a counselor to determine classes based on transcripts and past student records. After you meet with the counselor, we will provide the student a copy of their class schedule and a tour of the school. The student will be able to find classrooms and visit places like the bookroom for their I.D. card photo and books. At this time, students may sign up for a locker assignment, and get a bus pass and route information if they will be riding the bus to and from school.


Counseling Office Front Desk 360-874-5627 for general Counseling office support and questions

Student Records Specialist: 360-874-5629 for questions about enrollment and/or withdrawal from SKHS.

South Kitsap High School is currently at capacity; we cannot accept new students that live outside our district boundaries.  If a non-resident student has already been attending SKSD schools, a Choice Transfer Form must be completed and forwarded from the resident school to be approved by SKSD EVERY YEAR. Please note that approval may be rescinded due to poor attendance, grades, or behavior, and chronic tardiness, expulsions, or suspensions.