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Withdrawing A Student

Students who are leaving SKHS to attend another school must complete the withdrawal process prior to leaving.
**Students transferring to Explorer or Discovery: SKHS will be notified that student is transferring by the new school, BUT they still need to withdraw from SKHS and return all materials before starting at Explorer or Discovery**
Moving? Parents, as soon as you begin planning to move, please start the withdrawal process. That way, your student can enter the new school with all the paperwork needed for enrollment.
Steps to withdraw from South Kitsap High School
  • Parent/Guardian signs Consent to Withdraw form and returns the form to the Counseling Office.
  • Records Specialist prepares an official withdrawal form.
  • Student walks "withdrawal form" around SKHS campus to obtain teacher signatures and current grades in classes
  • Student visits the following offices to return materials and obtain clearance signatures:
    • Bookroom and Library (upstairs, 3rd floor), Counselor, Locker, Attendance (main floor)
  • LAST STOP: ASB Office. Turn in withdrawal form and pay all fees/fines
  • Official transcripts and immunization records can now be released to parent/student and new school. 
  • Click HERE to request your transcript.