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An Apprenticeship is a system of training where an employee learns while on the job. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard offers apprenticeships in fields such as pipe fitters, electricians, mechanics, welders, and carpenters. In addition to the shipyard there are an additional 255 apprenticeship opportunities in Washington such as meat cutters, cement masons, iron workers, roofers, etc.

Most apprenticeships last from one to five years, depending upon the occupation. Apprentices are paid an hourly wage, along with other benefits which include educational, medical, dental, retirement, and paid vacation.  For more information about apprenticeships, contact the SKHS Career Center or visit the following websites:

Apprenticeship Program Public

Apprenticeship Preparation

Aerospace Apprenticeship Programs: Washington State | AJAC

Washington College Grant for Apprenticeship | WSAC

Home - AGC Education Foundation

Masons – Let's Start Something

Construction Industry Training Council

L&I Apprenticeship Program Public

Tech Career Apprenticeships

iTAC Program Information - Northwest Auto Care Alliance

Washington State Controls Specialist Apprenticeship - Smart Buildings Center